
Data Analysis




RobLearnX Team is a cross-functional team of programmers, game and UI/UX designers, and project managers. Collaborated with Roblox, we researched different educational game assessment methods and explored those methods in Roblox.

We'd like to help Roblox’s educational game developers collect evidence of student learning in different subjects.
For more information, please check our website,and slide deck.



- Final Deliverable

The deliverables include three design documents that demonstrate assessment methods in Roblox, and two Roblox prototypes under the learning standard of science and liberal subjects

The prototype serves as proof of why those assessment processes work well in Roblox and how they can be applied to various game types and classroom topics

- My Role

Solo UI/UX Designer, Logo Designer, and also responsible for research and playtesting.


- ECD model

We incorporated the ECD model when designing our two prototypes, three models included are competency, evidence, and task model, we dissect two particular chapters of the textbook and introduce each concept through levels. Then analyze the gameplay data, such as completion, numbers of attempts and time consumption to generate our final assessment metrics



We ran 5 playtests with over 50 participants respectively on ETC Playtest Day, in Mellon Middle School and Highlands Middle School.


- From Our Client Genevieve

"I really think your insights into the UI are things that as I talked to other people, and I'm advising other groups, almost on a basis about what sort of elements of gameplay and elements of game design you have to be more considerate.

When you're working with students in particular, all kids are going to try to break your games. This idea of making sure that they can't just brute force their way to an answer and how that affects your data. You guys did a really good job at continuing to iterate through that process and it's showing your thought process each time and then testing it with kids, and then coming back and adjusting your expectations and adjusting your data. And that's exactly the sort of thing that we want it to see."

- From School Educator Martin

"Because you guys are here, instructors see the potential of Roblox being educational.

And the issue became because of what Roblox really want to do globally with their gaming. It's blocked by all school districts. It's just not acceptable because of what the kids can get into. But to see a facet of Roblox that possibly could turn into an educational part has a lot of value."

Next step & Reflection

Our client Genevieve will deliver our prototypes and documents to her development colleagues and discuss further usage.

For our project, with more time, we could collect more playtest data to put into detailed visualization, and finally pile into solid results.
